National News

Candy store owner serves up cicadas as chocolaty delicacy

One woman has found a more enjoyable use for them. Smothering them in chocolate for a snack.

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GAITHERSBURG, MD. — Cicadas have had a big spring, from forcing airplanes to stay grounded to causing car crashes. They're in the midst of their first major resurfacing since 2004.

One woman has found a more enjoyable use for them. Smothering them in chocolate for a snack.

Yep, Sarah Dwyer. the owner of Chouquette Chocolates, offers chocolate-covered ciadas for sale online.

"I just thought the whole idea of having cicadas around every 17 years, it's just fascinating," Dwyer said.

Dwyer said they're actually a treat and taste like a chocolate-covered potato chip. And customers love them.

"It's crunchy because we air fry them, so we clean them first, then air fry and dip them in chocolate and you sprinkle whatever spice you want on top."

The FDA does recommend to not eat cicadas if you're allergic to seafood.

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